Thursday, 13 January 2011

Peter Pig WW1 Russians

The Aussie Dollar to Pound exchange rate has made buying large amounts of Eureka Bulgarians a tad expensive. A shame really as I would love to support this range more. So casting around for suitable figures I ordered a battalion of Peter Pigs Russian figures. They arrived just before Christmas and I just had a chnace to base them before I left. My first thought was how small they seemed. They are nice castings with lots of detail but I think they are going to be a pain to paint. I like plain figures with lots flat areas, simple soul that I am. I know it is hard to tell from the photograph what they are like. I will paint this company and post some better pics. Then I will decide if I am going to buy more.


  1. The Peter Pig figures are very nice although a bit different then Eureka figures in that they have all that WWI extra kit. I tend to block paint them in main unifrom color first then worry about the details.

    Interesting that you decided to use the WWI Russians as Bulgarians. I can't wait to see some painted pictures of how this works out. I actually bought a bunch of Eureka Bulgarians last week and should have some pics on my blog at some point. Great blog hope you keep up the great work!!!

  2. Hi thanks for the comments. The Bulgarians are next up in the painting que.So we can see how they paint up then make the final decision. It is unfortunate that the Eureka figs are double the cost at the moment.
    I love what you are doing on your blog, much more colourful and interesting than mine. I'm still feeling my way at the moment. I paticularly like the imaginations style Balkans campaign. We have just ran a similar one at our club. But is was the French invading Spain in 38. The battles were actually disgused Arnhem scenarios.

  3. Thanks for the comments about the blog. I found that over time I got better at pictures and posting blog info altohugh it is hard at times to keep updating.

    I think your blog is very interesting and I hope you keep up the updates. It is nice after a while and works as a kind of journal of your ideas and painting progress. One thing my blog helped me with was to organize my interests. I can clearly look back at what periods and figures I keep up with and which I tend to loose track of. Looking forward to those Bulgarians.

    French invading Spain 38, now that is an idea!!!!
